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Desert Cyborg Chapter 2: OR PORT
|System suggest listening to “GLITCH – A Synthwave Mix” while reading CHAPTER TWO
C137.2 Looks at the ghalle. It doesn’t seem to do any harm other than keeping him captive.
His screen lights up and gives a list of the needed repairs. His left arm and leg are in critical condition. He blocked the impact with those. There seems to be more wrong, his software got corrupted “All went well until…” He remembers it glass clear but his software doesn’t. This raises many flags in him but that is not priority right now. He looks down at the runner. “Damn, I know him” It was old man Zeno. He was considered a fool by most. Getting a name Zeno is not good. It means no privileges in the guild anymore. Your number determines your class and zero is the lowest. Everyone called him Zeno because he was always calm. There are so many zero’s these days that it became hard to separate them by name. But Zeno was no fool apparently, because he had water ready to be injected in his body.
“But why would he do that? And why didn’t he?”
/*-20cl fully intact
/*-Ghalle on lockdown till repair procedure
/*-Reperation procedure starts over 6,8,10,14days..
*-Unknown danger when reparation procedure starts
*-No immediate escape route
*-Subject ‘Zeno’ cause of dead unknown
*-Cause of dead due to power failure in organ supply
*-Cause of dead due to power exhaustion
|System suggests taking high priority decision making on items marked with /*
|System suggests taking secondary action on items marked with *
Based on what he heard from Zeno a long time ago is that water holds a key to 3 kinds of upgrades.
“The first one is your gear. Our body is made of a material that absolutely loves water because it can improve every viber to the wearers imaginable strength”
“The second is your info data base. Your memories I call them. They make up how you act and behave. Everything you do is based on that. You can choose to do anything with it. Alter them, erase them, or even gain additional memories from others. Like downloading new programs in your brain. Hehehheheh”
“The final one is the one no one understands, not even me! It is the choice to disconnect into something great. Heck! Who would want to disconnect, you’d die!!! Heheheheee!!!”
C137.2 Picks up the canister. If he doesn’t repair his arm and leg he is done for. If Zeno is right it should be a good start to get out of this situation. “The guild will have no water I guess” Selling could be good but no good if he wasn’t alive. His 1000 years of knowledge had no data on water being this powerful except for Zeno. “What to dooooo? Aaaaarg!!! I guess it can do no harm putting it on my slein to see if it’s true” One drop out of the canister onto his mechanical tongue and what followed was a rush of energy that travelled trough his gear that was so powerful he stood still for a whole minute. He felt the energy going into his bio mechanical nerves down his throat down to his hearth. Up to his brain and down out his feet back into the ground.
“What in the…”
-Pick one of the following upgrades-
|Heightened senses
|Fine taste
|Pain awareness
|Auto repair micro
|Energy conversion
|Intelligence Program
|Memory eraser
|Dirt control
|Auto Upgrade Control
|Small Station Worker
|Copy Paste
|Semi-Self Awareness
|Auto Planner
|Station Core
|Meditation Program
“Zeno was right after all. System what do these do?”
*SYSTEM: No data available at this moment*
“If got these options from one drop, 20cl will drastically improve my current situation. What I need now is info and repairs. Let’s start with repairs.”
*Auto Repair Micro has been selected and confirmed as upgrade*
He automatically went lying down and lost consciousness. When he woke up again his leg and arm were still broken.
“System why did nothing happen?”
-SYSTEM: Upgrade Has Been Installed-
“Perhaps it has to be activated. Activate auto repair mode!”
-SYSTEM: Please select component-
“It needs materials. Well, there is not much I can use but…
Please forgive me Zeno.”
-SYSTEM: Components has been selected-
*Auto repair Micro has commenced Repair Sequence*
His left arm points towards Zeno while 16 little tubes came out. They start disassembling the old man’s body and slowly repairing the arm and leg. C-137.2 looks at the scan from his surroundings. The towers around him are on standby defense mode. He needs a ray gun to break out of those or an EMP. None of them were valid options he could choose from.
“Maybe if I had some info on the towers…”
As a cyborg calculating various options is rarely done in the face of fear. Calm and cunning decisions are a standard way of operating. He was not even surprised that the water had such qualities or that it actually worked.
“He went with the flow” as they say.
After 4 hours the repairs were done.
-SYSTEM: Auto Repair Micro Complete-
He looked at his limbs. Clenched his fist, gave a few punches, up ,down, left right. “Seems in order”. He stretched his leg and did a running motion in the air. His leg went to fast and was overheated due to friction. “Hmmm. System, calibrate leg speed to 21% less output”
*Calibration complete*
“Now let’s inject all of this water so I can get the hell out of here.” The refuel hole in his body opened. Right before he clicked it in he thought “What if I’m out cold before the repair bots come”
SYSTEM: 4 days to 6 days is the maximum amount of time needed for the processing of the water.
info based on previous analysis.
He looks at the cannister but says nothing. Some sort of feeling of subtle joy lingers in his mind. He quickly clicks it in and the water gets sucked inside. Right before he losses consciousness his system gives him the options:
|Heightened senses
|Fine taste
|Pain awareness
|Auto repair Minor
|Energy conversion
|Intelligence Program
|Memory eraser
|Dirt control
|Auto Upgrade Control
|Small Station Worker
|Copy Paste
|Semi-Self Awareness
|Auto Planner
|Station Core
|Meditation Program
“Upgrade all”
-SYSTEM: Selec m com e@*&——————————————————————–
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